Usage Examples
These are example scenarios intended to give a flavor of how the project’s tools and APIs would possibly be used.
These example scenarios are meant to invite discussion — the names and situations in them are entirely fictitious.
Debugging the performance of a production service
Multi-system, end-to-end, measurement.
Designing a new CPU
High-precision, fine-grained control over measurements.
Improving a web hosting service
Speeding up PHP & Javascript runtimes.
Measuring a microkernel
Using Mensurae to improve research OSes.
Profiling Python
Speeding up a Python application.
Reducing user-perceptible jitter
Finding the root causes for variations in response speed.
Teaching an operating systems course
Mensurae as a teaching aid.
Tracking down a performance regression in a video player
Comparing current and historical measurements.
Whole system profiling
Profiling everything at one shot.